Saturday, June 23, 2012

On the Internet...

© 1993 Peter Steiner / The New Yorker (Vol.69 (LXIX) no. 20)

I saw this famous New Yorker cartoon a while ago that I thought was kind of funny, about how everyone on the Internet can basically craft their own identity to be what- or whoever they want to be. The other day something kind of interesting happened that reminded me of that cartoon.

For the past 6 months or more I've been playing Wordsmith (like Words with Friends or Scrabble) with a few people on my smartphone. It's a fun little diversion, and keeps my mind (relatively?) sharp. Anyway, recently one of my regular opponents, with whom I've been playing for many months, sent me a surprising little chat message through the game: while I don't remember the exact quote, she said something to the effect of "please don't be offended, but are you a man or woman?"

I think my jaw might've dropped.

My game username is pretty much gender-neutral, so I guess that could be confusing, but the funny thing is, my avatar in the game is VERY masculine: shaved head, dark power suit... cosplaying Lex Luthor, basically. So was it my word choice? The way we interact when we chat? I have no idea. But even though I answered "male", I have to admit that Arcee preened a little.


  1. Go on!! Arcee should have jumped up on her heels and had a field day with that opening! I would have blushed at least. I think it is a sweet compliment though that you express your duality of personality so well. Giggles, Laurie!

  2. It certainly surprised me, I'll tell you that much. :)

  3. Maybe you're a more beautiful woman than you realize ;-) Laurie.

  4. Ok, now we're getting somewhere, tough gal!!
