Thursday, June 28, 2012

On blanket answers

Earlier today, my friend Laurie posted a new entry to her blog, talking about how great it is that recently she, Christian Taylor, and I have all seemingly arrived at a similar place in our transgender-tinged walks with Heavenly Father:

  1. Each of us has some measure of gender dysphoria / feelings of feminine gender identity.
  2. Each of us was born & raised male, received the priesthood, married a woman, had kids, and is active in the Church.
  3. Each of us would likely lose all of these things if we were to pursue gender transition to live as a female.
  4. Therefore, we have each decided to remain with our spouses, remain in the Church, and remain primarily male, finding ways to embrace and express our femininity from this side of the gender divide.

I agree with this characterization of my thoughts and feelings today, as well as my agreement with my wife (I know, I still haven't blogged about how I came out to her! Next post, I promise!). But I confess to feeling a little bit uneasy with the overall message that appears to be coming from Laurie's post (I'm not going to ascribe this to her directly, because this may not be her intent at all, and just my interpretation * I'm positive that this wasn't her intent, and she has since said as much, but someone might still get that impression in reading over our blogs without the proper context).

It reminded me of a conversation going on over on Josh Weed's blog right now. The gist of it goes like this:

  1. Josh Weed is a self-declared homosexual man.
  2. Josh Weed is happily married to a straight woman.
  3. Therefore, some argue, these so-called "mixed-orientation marriages" can work and are the solution for all gay men (and women) of faith.
  4. "Not so," reply others -- Josh & Lolly's situation is unique. It works for them, and though there are other charter members of Club Unicorn for whom mixed-orientation marriages work, saying "wow, I can't wait to show this blog to my gay friend!" is harmful, because there are many gay Mormons (perhaps most?) for whom such a marriage wouldn't work at all (or who have tried one and failed).

I think the same can be said of our mutual position on our transgenderism. It works for the three of us, and we can rightly rejoice in having found a way forward in our lives that preserves the things we hold most dear, but there are other transgender Mormons for whom this wouldn't be a solution at all. Like Christi said a few weeks ago, our thoughts and ideas should NOT be taken as the official position of the Church, or the One True Way(™) for transgender Mormons to live their lives. Just as gender identity and expression is along a continuum, so too I think are the ways each of us has to come to grips with it.

* I edited this parenthetical to clarify my intent. I'm not trying to criticize Laurie here at all, I just wanted to make sure not to make things harder on transwomen for whom our solution isn't the right one.


  1. Wow I couldn't agree more (you still get the Lincoln Award in my world)!
    I have already attempted to apologize on my blog for writing that with my two left feet.
    You are absolutely right that it was not my intention to speak in any sort of blanket way.
    I am so amazed at your courage to point out where you were uneasy, because there may be others who would be hurt or truly offended,which would crush me.
    Thank you so much for always advancing understanding.
    If its OK I am going to continue to blog on and do my best but it is great to know you have my back when I slip and fall.
    Humble hugs to all, Laurie.

  2. Oh, by all means, please keep blogging! Please don't misconstrue my desire to clarify as a criticism of the intent or very real emotions behind your post! I just want to make it clear that what may work for us might not necessarily work for others, and I would hate to be the cause of any additional angst or guilt in the heart of any other trans folks who find our blogs!

    Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong, and I'm sorry you feel like I slapped you on the wrist here. That was NOT my intent.


    1. Please see my longer reply over in my blog's parallel universe! I am grateful for the honest open communication and really grateful for the hugs. We all need hugs. Laurie.

    2. Well then, here's another. *hug* :)

  3. This is Vixi Dragon. I just wanted to come by and thank you for your comment on my blog post (when my Hunny wakes up I plan to show her as well).
    I just wanted to share a blog series that I found really insightful (my best friend sent it to me after my spouse came out to me).
    Melissa (from Permission to Live) wrote a series called Unwrapping the Onion about her husband's transition to female. They were raised in fundimental Christianity (he was a minister before transition) and are still happily together. I think you might appreciate her struggle to reconcile her husband's hid and her faith.
    Thank you so much for your comments. None of us should have to feel alone in discovering who we are.

    1. Sorry. Autocorrect. GID not hid.

    2. Thanks for dropping by! I've been a negligent blogger lately, I really do have a lot I want to talk about but this darn "real life" thing keeps getting in the way! ;)

      I wanted to thank you for pointing me to Melissa's blog. Holy cow, I've really fallen down the rabbit hole over there! (in a good way)

      There's so much about our situation that's still a great big question mark, and it seems more and more obvious to me that every couple in similar circumstances approaches it from a unique perspective. Like so many of life's situations, it seems there's no one answer that's right for everyone... but that doesn't mean it's not helpful to have friends and examples. :)
