Saturday, April 14, 2012

Me versus the male gaze

My eyes are up here

A couple of times recently, I've realized something a little unusual about myself. Occasionally, I'll find myself looking closely at attractive women I see when out and about (at the grocery store, pumping gas in the car, that sort of thing). I try to be discrete about it, but sometimes they notice, and kind of give me the evil eye like I'm undressing them with my eyes or something (which I'm not; although I'm attracted to women in general, my wife's my one and only).


I wonder how much more awkward it would be if they knew I was actually admiring their cool boots, pretty blouse, or very feminine short haircut. ;)


  1. yea. I usually get the creeping them out look. So I try not to look at all.

  2. Me too! But sometimes I can't help but notice and wish.

  3. My looking is usually looks of envy; maybe that’s being read in my eyes, and that’s what creeps them out.

  4. A few weeks ago in church during sacrament meeting I glanced around during sacrament meeting and I realized that one of the sisters was totally staring at me. I quickly looked away, but the look she gave me kind of weirded me out. It was one of those "why does that guy look so weird?" looks. So I guess I can relate to how people might feel if they notice you are looking at them, but yeah. I know the feeling. I'm really into stylish demin and I'm always scared that women will think I'm checking them out, when I'm actually checking out their sweet jeans--so I try to avoid doing that, but it's hard.

  5. Yeah, I'm sure nobody likes being stared at. Good point.

  6. So once again you three are living a parallel experience with me. I have become such a clothes hound I am constantly admiring beautiful outfits and looking for style cues. I wish I had been able to learn to dress cute when I was younger, I feel like I have so much catching up to do I am in some sort of repeat teen-experience.
    Here's a twist on being stared at though, through my adult life I have never noticed that anyone has considered me at all attractive as a male, but now as I go out in my androgynous casual woman's clothes with my longer hair styled as best as I have been able to figure out how, and not trying to pass at all, just be the best expression of the me I feel, repeatedly now I am getting wonderful looks from others, some guys, but mostly gals, and most of the gals it isn't a weirded out look but a long gaze or I catch them in a second gaze if they think I don't notice. I now know how to blush and glance away without losing track of the other person's stare. I really believe I am now far more attractive as whatever sort of trans-person I am than I ever was pretending unsuccessfully to be stereotypically male. Go figure, when you feel good about yourself it shows!

  7. Interesting way to flip the whole being-gazed-at experience! I think you nailed it when you said this: "when you feel good about yourself it shows."
